Congregation Chabad is a family-oriented synagogue consisting of members of many diverse backgrounds, including students and community members. Services are conducted year-round in conformance with traditional Jewish law and practice. Prayer books are
also available in English amd Russion.
The Congregation strives to provide a place where lifecycle events
can be both celebrated and commemorated in a traditional manner.
Chabad offers rabbinical advice, including information on koshering
homes; a place for the provision of religious articles, at or below
cost; visitors hospitality Shabbat and holiday
hospitality; meals; counseling; and group or individual classes (See
Chabad House facilities and programs that are open to all Jews, Students and visitors alike appreciate the “Home Away From Home” atmosphere of Chabad.
Our congregants play an active role in the local Jewish community.
Holiday highlights from the past year include shofar making at the
JCC’s ‘Apples and Honey’ event, Chanukah programs, the distribution
of hundreds of shalach manot (gift) baskets for Purim, and a Passover
matzah bakery, in which more than 300 children participated.
Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday evening service):
Begins this week at
Shabbat morning services:
Begin at 9:45 am
Shabbat Afternoon services:
40 Minutes before
Rotaing locations for daily morning services:
Sun. 9:00 am at Hillel
Mon. and Tues 7:30 am at Hillel
Wed., Thurs. and Fri 7:30 am at Chabad House
Please note:
Daily morning services only occur during the UM academic school calendar (September through April).
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Chabad House at the University of Michigan
715 Hill • Ann Arbor, MI • 48104
734-99- LEARN (5-3276)